Zoltán Jutasi

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About Me

Zoltán Jutasi

"Getting to know the world is interesting, useful, delightful, fearful or instructive; getting to know ourselves is the greatest journey, the most frightening discovery, and the most telling encounter." Sándor Márai (1900-1989)

Economist and businessman

I am an economist and businessman. I earned my degree at the Corvinus University of Budapest in 1997, and I also studied management in Japan, Italy, and Switzerland. I took part in developing the entrepreneurial and logistics fields in Hungary as a member of the Council at the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers during the ‘90s, and then as vice principal of the Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management (HALPIM). I was also active in the national sports life, from 2010 I was the principal of the Hungarian Squash Association, and from 2013 member of the board of the Hungarian Synchronised Swimming Federation.

I am married, my wife is Yvette, and we have two children.

Million $ managed investments
Successful projects
Satisfied partners
Bought companies

Press releases

Everything that have been published about me in the media.



Investor, senior strategic and M&A professional

NAVIGATOR Investments Ltd.



The acquisition of companies facing the issue of generation change, and contributing to achieving high investment returns. The company takes part in each and every phase of a transaction, From initial acquisition target screening through strategic due diligence to post-merger integration. In the past we acted as crisis managers, and our primary targets were companies with financial and structural problems, and we were undertaking reorganizational and optimization processes for solving the issues.
More information: www.navigatorinvest.com

SYNERGON Informatics Plc.


Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board of Directors

In 2011, SYNERGON Informatics Plc., when NAVIGATOR acquired ownership in the company, was at its lowest point. The share prices fell to around 140 HUF, which was the lowest price level in the history of SYNERGON. The former management couldn’t handle the professional and financial problems, and so the massive reduction of costs had to be carried out during the consecutive year. We renegotiated the expiring loan instruments and stabilized the company’s operation. As part of the strategy, we managed to reduce the costs with more than 25%. Every supplier and customer contracts had to be renegotiated, which resulted in the significant improvement of the company’s financial results during 2012 and 2013. During that time the company have become a leading player on the market in Hungary, and its shares were traded on the Budapest Stock Exchange. NAVIGATOR became the largest shareholder in the company with its 15.89%. After the reorganization, the company’s revenue achieved 70 billion HUF and the share prices increased to 450 HUF. Unfortunately, one of the biggest buyer of the company, the BKK acted in a completely unreasonable way, and as a result SYNERGON suffered 2 billion HUF damage. This was the point when NAVIGATOR decided to sell its shares in the company and resign from the leadership position.

KÉSZ Holding Ltd.


Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board of Directors

The KÉSZ Groups is still among the largest construction companies, and its main activities are real estate development, construction and management. I acquired ownership in the Group in late-2007, just before the crisis of 2008. The newly established management delegated by NAVIGATOR established a holding structure and undertook a major reorganization within the Group, which resulted in surviving the financial crisis. During the leadership of the new management the revenue of the company reached 220 million USD in 2008, and achieved 4.8 billion HUF profit before taxes. The value of the transaction was 56.9 million USD. The shares of the KÉSZ Group were sold in 2009.  



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